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News : Uzbekistan has approved an action plan for the prevention and treatment of children's helminthiasis .



Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers from January 23, 2015 approved an Action Plan for the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis of children in 2015-2018 years.

The Plan includes following measures:

- Revision of the existing legal framework on prevention of parasitic diseases in the republic;

- Provision of information exchange between health and veterinary services of all cases of helminthiasis infections that are common both to humans and animals;

- Conducting laboratory diagnosis of helminthiasis among preschool children (2-6 years), school age children(7-10 years);

- Carrying out the sanitary-parasitological studies of food in preschools and schools, environmental objects;

- A sample survey of employees livestock, veterinary and other services for a teniidoze risk;

- Organization and carrying out prevention and treatment of pre-school children (2-6 years) and school-age children (7-10 years) by mass dehelminthization against contact and geohelminthiasis across the country twice a year;

- Carrying out preventive measures among family members of infested children;

- Further improvement of sanitation and hygiene, as well as the strengthening the monitoring of the implementation of hygiene rules and regulations in the pre-school institutions and secondary schools;

- Increasing the medical culture, development of skills in the field of public and private sanitation and hygiene;

- Coverage in the media harm caused by helminths to the health of the younger generation and the role of the public in the fight against helminth and effectiveness of sanitary measures of prevention and treatment;

- Development and updating the guidelines and training modules for the control and prevention of helminthiasis, monitoring and evaluation of it;

- Studying and bringing to executor the basic measures for dehelminthization;

- Evaluation of the cost-benefit-related activities regarding the prevention of geohelminthiasis.

We would like to note that for the implementation of these activities from the budget of Uzbekistan will be allocated 9.35 billion soums. In addition, the funds from international organizations in the amount of $30 thousand are being planned to attract.




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